Jeff Palmer 2018 von Jeff Palmer

Jeff Palmer 2018
Maße (B/H): 39 x 42 cm, Fotokalender 30 x 42 cm
ISBN/EAN: 9783959853262
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 14 S.
Auf Wunschliste
A true classic! Jeff Palmer's black and white photographs are intimate and touching, erotic and aesthetic masterpieces. Palmer himself is legend: At the age of nineteen he moved to Miami, and a year later he debuted for Falcon Studios under the direction of award winning producer and director John Rutherford. Nobody plays so calmly and skillfully with the light and the shadows, allowing the bodies to reflect onto one another. This calendar has space to make notes, so no one ever forgets when to turn it on-or take it off for another male.
"Jeff Palmer is a successful artist of classic black & white photography."