Don't Wipe Your Boogers on the Wall von Marilyn Bricklin Lebovitz

Don't Wipe Your Boogers on the Wall
Lebovitz, M: Don't Wipe Your Boogers on the Wall
ISBN/EAN: 9781732963061
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 24
Auf Wunschliste
Is there any child that is born knowing that tissues are the only means for wiping a nose? Not really. What chid hasn't used many different methods to remove whatever is stuffing up their little noses as their caregivers and teachers watch with laughter and use that as a learning moment. Don't Wipe Your Boogers on the Wall is a funny take on those ways and a warning to the little ones being read to that wiping them on the wall is definitely not an option! All profits from these books go to charities that benefit children.