Felices Pascuas pequeño buho von Brenda Ponnay

Felices Pascuas pequeño buho
Ponnay, B: Felices Pascuas pequeño buho
ISBN/EAN: 9781532411380
Sprache: Spanisch
Umfang: 34
Auf Wunschliste
Spanish Language Edition: Happy Easter, Little Hoo! Time for an Easter Egg hunt, Little Hoo! Help Little Hoo find all of the Easter Eggs in this sweet little book. Little Hoo looks up and down, over and under to find all of the colorful eggs. Happy Easter, Little Hoo is part of the Little Hoo series featuring cute and reassuring texts for toddlers and preschoolers. In this Xist Kids Spanish Edition, Spanish text brings the story to new audiences. This book is in Spanish only. There is no English translation.