Dreaming of the Letter A von Dion Johnson

Dreaming of the Letter A
Johnson, D: Dreaming of the Letter A
ISBN/EAN: 9781088003817
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 34
Auf Wunschliste
Dreaming of the Letter A, the first in The Princess and the Partner Alphabet Series, is a tale of imagination, dreams, learning and family togetherness. Each night, Daddy's Little Princess and Daddy's Little Partner go to sleep and enjoy wonderful dreams, and each morning they wake up to a father that is as eager to hear about those dreams as they are to share them. The commom threads in all of these dreams are fun and the letter A. This book is a great story that you can read over and over to your kids, or better yet,with your kids. For younger kids, it's great for reinforcing grammar, the alphabet, rhyming words and the days of the week. And for kids of all ages it promotes family togetherness, communication, imagination and the joys of reading. Written for kids, by kids, and inspired by the lives of its authors, Dreaming of the Letter A is not just a book; it's a tool for bringing you closer to the little ones you love the most.
A 7 year old second grader who likes to play soccer, board games and Pokemon. He also likes to draw and his favorite subject in school is math. Since he enjoys reading books, he loved being able to write his own.